Ecological and Recycled Textile Standard (ERTS)

The ERTS certification ensures that textiles are produced using environmentally friendly and recycled materials, promoting sustainability in the textile industry.

Overall Score:


Green Hive is not affiliated with any certification organizations and scores are determined through independent analysis.

Ecological and Recycled Textile Standard (ERTS)






The Ecological and Recycled Textile Standard (ERTS) is a comprehensive certification developed by Ecocert, focusing on products made from natural fibers, renewable materials, or recycled materials. The standard sets stringent chemical residue limits and robust social criteria, including no forced or child labor and the right to collective bargaining. It applies to the entire textile product lifecycle, ensuring that each stage meets ecological standards.

Key Features

  • At least 50% of the finished product must be natural or from renewable or recycled materials for Level I and 70% minimum for Level II.
  • Prohibition of harmful substances like PVC, aromatic solvents, and certain dyes.
  • Mandatory written environmental policy with measurable goals for waste, emissions, water, and energy consumption.


ERTS maintains a high level of credibility through an annual on-site inspection cycle for all operators, which may include unannounced visits. Inspectors have the authority to take samples for further control or if fraud is suspected, ensuring that the standard's stringent requirements are consistently met.

Duration and Renewal

While the specific duration of the certification is not provided, the standard requires operators to continually assess their environmental impacts and update their written environmental policies. This suggests an ongoing commitment to improvement, which likely involves periodic re-evaluation for certification renewal.

Impact and Significance

ERTS has a high impact on both chemical safety and labor standards. The standard not only sets chemical residue limits but also mandates that operators have a written environmental policy outlining monitoring procedures for waste, emissions, water, and energy consumption. This makes it a significant certification for organizations aiming to demonstrate a comprehensive commitment to sustainability and ethical labor practices.