Green America

A certification that recognizes businesses for their environmental responsibility and sustainable practices.

Overall Score:


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Green America






Green America's Green Business Certification is designed for businesses committed to social and environmental responsibility. It applies to various sectors, including bedding companies, and mandates a transparent supply chain and a code of conduct addressing factory conditions. The certification is particularly suited for small and mid-sized businesses.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive sustainability requirements, including green office management and waste reduction
  • Social responsibility standards, such as family-friendly benefits and non-discrimination policies
  • Specialized criteria for different industries, like bedding companies, which must use cruelty-free wool and organic materials


To acquire the certification, businesses must first join Green America's network and complete a member profile. An industry-focused assessment follows, which is reviewed by Green America's Certification Team. The assessment process is conducted online and is based on data provided by the business. While the requirements are comprehensive, it relies on self-reported data, which may not offer the same level of assurance as third-party audits.

Duration and Renewal

Once certified, businesses receive a Green America Seal and Certificate. Recertification is required, and the process for this is identical to that for new members. Continuous improvement and transparency are expected for maintaining the certification.

Impact and Significance

The certification allows businesses to stand out as leaders in social and environmental responsibility. It also provides consumers with a trustworthy option when seeking green and socially responsible businesses. However, the self-assessment nature of the certification may not satisfy those looking for external validation. Overall, it serves as a comprehensive guide for businesses aiming to operate sustainably and ethically.