OEKO-TEX® Organic Cotton

Certification for organic cotton products that meet strict environmental and social criteria, ensuring they are free from harmful substances.

Overall Score:


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OEKO-TEX® Organic Cotton






The ORGANIC COTTON certification verifies the use of organic cotton from farm to finished product. It is relevant in the textile industry, particularly for clothing and home goods. Products with this label are free from GMOs and have been tested for pesticides and other harmful substances. The certification also extends to the entire supply chain, starting from the ginning facility, which must provide certification of fibers according to international standards.

Key Features

  • Products are tested for pesticides and harmful substances.
  • Two types of certification: one for 100% organic cotton and another for blends containing more than 70% organic cotton.
  • Stricter limit values for products with more intensive skin contact.


To acquire the certification, an annual audit is conducted by an OEKO-TEX® institute. The process ensures safety through rigorous testing for pesticides and other substances, even those not yet legally regulated. However, mixtures of conventional and organic cotton are not allowed, limiting the range of products that can be certified.

Duration and Renewal

The certification is valid for one year. While there is no specific information on the renewal process, an annual audit is required, suggesting that renewal would involve a similar procedure.

Impact and Significance

For organizations, the certification provides a competitive edge by assuring customers of the organic and safe nature of their cotton products. For consumers, it offers peace of mind regarding chemical safety, especially for products that come into close contact with the skin. However, the absence of information on ongoing improvement measures may leave some questions about the certification's adaptability to evolving best practices.