Molly's Suds

Molly's Suds

Safe for delicate skin, devoid of harmful chemicals and carcinogens, and environmentally friendly! The all-natural laundry detergents and environmentally friendly

Brand's Sustainable Certifications

Certifications belong to the featured brand. Green Hive is not directly affiliated.

Molly's Suds

Top Sustainable Products

Molly's Suds



United States

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United States

Brand Description

Molly's Suds, founded by Monica Leonard in 2008 and headquartered in St. Petersburg, Florida, is dedicated to providing products that are safe for both families and the environment. The company is committed to using the purest ingredients, avoiding carcinogens and known human toxins in their formulations. Symbolizing this commitment, the footprint of Molly, the inspiration behind the brand, is featured on both their website and packaging, serving as a reminder of the safety and gentleness of their products for even the smallest members of the family.

Molly's Suds

Sustainability Report

The brand's sustainability ethos is centered around using only the safest and simplest ingredients available. Molly's Suds ensures that all ingredients are cruelty-free and focuses on creating effective products that consumers can trust. The company practices radical transparency, allowing consumers to be fully informed about the products they use. Additionally, Molly's Suds is mindful of its impact on people, animals, and the environment, making choices that align with the values of stewardship and responsibility, aiming to create a legacy that would make future generations proud.

Brand's Sustainable Attributes

Cruelty Free
Cruelty Free
Eco-friendly Packaging
Eco-friendly Packaging
Non Toxic
Non Toxic
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Brand's Product Line


  • Natural Laundry Detergent
  • Dryer Balls & Dryer Sheets
  • Natural Kitchen Supplies
  • Natural Household Cleaners
  • Bulk & Refills Seasonal Shop

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Molly's Suds

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