Shakti Ellenwood

Shakti Ellenwood

Shakti Ellenwood handcrafts ethical Fairtrade gold jewelry in the UK; her designs are a one-of-a-kind combination of beauty and integrity.

Brand's Sustainable Certifications

Certifications belong to the featured brand. Green Hive is not directly affiliated.

Shakti Ellenwood



United Kingdom

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Brand Description

Shakti Ellenwood, established by its namesake in 2000 and headquartered in London, is distinguished in the realm of ethical jewelry. The brand is celebrated for its handcrafted pieces, each meticulously created with 18-carat Fairtrade gold, along with ethically sourced diamonds and gemstones. Shakti Ellenwood, the founder, is not only a renowned designer but also a symbol of ethical practices in the jewelry industry, combining aesthetic beauty with moral integrity in her creations.

Shakti Ellenwood

Sustainability Report

As a testament to her commitment to ethical practices, Shakti Ellenwood is a B-Corp certified goldsmith, renowned for her high ethical standards in the UK jewelry sector. In 2022, she was recognized as “Best For The World 2022” for her significant contributions to social and environmental causes, donating over 2% of her sales to these initiatives. Furthermore, her status as a Fairtrade licensee underscores her dedication to sustainability, ensuring that all her creations are made with 100% Fairtrade gold, thereby supporting responsible mining communities and environmental conservation.

Brand's Sustainable Attributes

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Responsibly Sourced
Responsibly Sourced

Brand's Product Line


  • Ethical Engagement Ring
  • Ethical Wedding Rings
  • Ethical Jewelry

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Shakti Ellenwood

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